Thursday, October 1, 2009


I read a blog by Grace Gatsby regarding Lezbros. Grace defines Lezbros as :

a lesbian’s cool, straight male friends, which (for the most part) see us as more of a wing(wo)man rather than a potential porno fantasy. Lezbros are every lady’s dream come true, right? No muss, no fuss friendships with none of that messy, “is it real date?” nonsense. Plus, you have someone to gossip with outside of your entourage and someone to go girl-watching with.

This is a new term for me. I am thrilled to have found an apt descriptor for the many important men in my life. Though Grace implied in her blog that the role of Lezbros is an emerging phenomenon, I would argue that it is as common and long standing as the f@g hag. Picasso loved attending the weekly salons at Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas’ flat. I’m sure it wasn’t just Alice’s magical  brownies influencing his perception of the experience. Picasso was a Lezbro.

When I referenced Google for Lezbros, I found a documentary on the Logo channel that opens the Lezbro field (thankfully) to all men who have an affinity for lesbians, regardless of sexual orientation.

To forego the many benefits of friendship with men due to sexual orientation seems absurd. When I pause to ponder the men who have been influential in my life, the ones that I love like family (or who are family), I realize that there have been hundreds of them over the years. From early childhood onward, there have always been males within my inner circle of friends. My two closest friends in Atlanta are male. I have my gay husband, Bill, and Tony, who is like a brother. They keep me sane.  They keep me grounded.  They call me on my melodramatic theatrics and put up with my periodic fits of nonsense.  My world would have signifcantly less sparkle and glow without my guys.

Click here to read full blog

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