Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Will you march in Washington DC October 11th?

National Equality March on Washington DC

I remember back in 1993 when I was a field producer for the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force’s March on Washington video. It was certainly a different time then when the idea of civil rights for all gay and lesbian people were still a struggle and I was so far in the closet, I could have hurt myself. It was a great experience being around so many like minded people who didn’t care if you were gay, straight or bi – they were all there to have a good time and to promote equality for all.

I won’t get to go this year as I have a filming project to attend on Sunday but if you get to go, WE HOPE YOU WILL SHARE YOUR VIDEO STORIES ON PLANET Q TV.   Planet Q TV was designed 2 1/2 years ago as a place where gay and lesbian video bloggers,  content producers and professionals could tell their stories in one unique place for our community.  I  would love to hear about your adventures, what you saw, what you liked or didn’t like and if you feel that equality is right around the corner for us or if we still have a long way to go.

Have fun this Sunday and if you are video blogging, I would like to encourage you to upload your videos to Planet Q TV so everyone around the world that visits our site can learn about your experience.

Thomas (Click Click Expose)

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