Friday, November 27, 2009

Homosexuality and Religion.

The debate still flares with such passion in a modern context, in regards to homosexuality coinciding with religion. Love being the main underlying factor of both of these attributes of humanity creates a tension between the two. From a Catholic perspective the church condemns the act of homosexuality, that is the act of sexual relations between a man and another man, or a woman and indeed another woman. The church however does not condemn same-sex attraction or personal desires so long as they are contained to within the person. For most this is completely outrageous, as they should be able to express their sexuality in a way in which they feel comfortable and safe. But before one can place the blame entirely upon the church one must understand that the church also condemns sexual practices for mere pleasure (therefore the banning of contraception). It is stated that every act of sex should be open to the creation of a human being, which is the church’s main defence when dealing with matters of homosexuality.



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