Friday, November 6, 2009

Derelicte is Sweeping the Nation

Okay. Does everyone remember last summer when Afrika and Jappy were having a birthday, and we all wanted to have a derelicte themed party in homage to Derek Zoolander? Remember when certain #team members and #team-adjacent “friends” poo-pooed said theme and told us it would be stupid? Well, suck on this, nerds:

This was preceisely my costume idea for our party. Also, the man in this picture is my future husband. Just an FYI.

Yes, you are seeing that right. That is a dress that looks shockingly like it is made from cellophane and black trash bags. I COULD HAVE WORN THAT DRESS! I COULD HAVE MADE THAT DRESS! DERELICTE IS THE BEST PARTY/CLOTHING THEME EVER!

The moral of this story is: never trust non #team members when coming up with party ideas. They suck, and we are awesome.

(NB: Kristen Stewart is likewise awesome. I am officially inducting her into the #team. Welcome Kristen, you are among friends.)

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