Tuesday, September 29, 2009

People who need to watch this video...

On the last day of our trip we couldn’t help but overhear a conversation on the trolley (Pigeon Forge’s bus) as we were headed back to our car.  Three ladies who had just finished shopping at the Tanger Outlet Mall were sitting across from us chatting about someone they all knew.  I didn’t really pay much attention until one lady said, “… and here she comes in a three piece suit!”  This lady when on to say that the parents of this little girl were going to regret letting her wear boys clothes and play with “boy’s” toys.  She also went on to convey that the parents were bad parents because they were not “guiding” their child to be more “girly.”  Then she announced that she would not buy the girl, boy clothes or toys.  The other two ladies went on in agreement with the first woman.  One went so far as to say that the young girl’s parents were encouraging her to be a “dyke.”  Clay and I both were a little stunned and thought about saying something, but we both opted not to start an argument with people on public transportation that wouldn’t care or understand what we were saying…

So what if the child wants to wear boy’s clothes and be a tomboy?  First of all there are three piece suits made for women.  Also little kids are all shaped the same until puberty… so the clothes are all pretty much cut the same, just different colors… Well unless you want to dress your elementary student up like a miniature hoochie…  Ok now being a girl who happens to like boy stuff does not automatically make her lesbian potential.  I like boy stuff and clothes, I always have.  I have a male partner and a child with that partner.  Though my partner isn’t a traditional male… I don’t think I fit these ladies’ definition of a lesbian.  Second, if this girl these catty women were talking about did turn out to be a lesbian and/or a crossdresser, the parents did not make her that way.  You cannot make a person gay or straight, cd or not.  It is an integral part of who they are and has always been there.  Lastly… a person is the same person you know and love no matter what they wear or whom they find attractive.

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