Monday, March 22, 2010

Drunken Revelations

You know how it would be quite awkward if one of your closet friends found out you had a thing for one of their closest friends who happens to have a girl friend, well, it’s happened to me.

See, a few weeks ago, whilst out celebrating a Birthday I not only got drunk, I also managed to get myself into a situation somewhat similar to a small fight. The fight, as I mentioned before occurred between Jenny and I whilst I was arguing with the Girlfriend; they went off home and left the rest of the group to enjoy the rest of the night.

To my own peril though, I continued to drink alcohol. I thought this was a brilliant idea; it would suppress the bad memories from this incident, and increase my ability to not be so with-holding, thus meaning I could have more fun.

Sadly though, I didn’t pull. Well, I did manage to resurge an old like/feeling for a friend of mine – who by the way is utterly beautiful. But I also managed to let my guard down too much.

See, generally speaking I consider myself a good liar; well at least when I want to lie. If I don’t want to lie, and especially if I am under the influence of alcohol my ability to refuse giving out information I don’t want others to know, and to deny claims which are extremely true with my normally stern and convincingly straight face, completely diminishes. So when asked by my friend “Do you fancy Jenny?” and I unconvincingly smirked a drunken “No” back in his direction, all of his prior assumptions and thoughts had been instantly validated.

I remember we then engaged in a short conversation about her, where I also managed to disclose that I have “liked her for years”. I hoped following this conversation, considering he was very drunk, that there might be the chance he would forget about this little gem of information he had attained. Needless to say, he hasn’t.

Jenny and I following on from our little “fight” are now fine. It’s hard to speak her due to the Girlfriend, she has this horrible ability to make any situation that she is present in, extremely uncomfortable for everyone else. But despite our lack of conversation over the past week it didn’t stop her squeezing my bum on two separate occasions whilst she hugged me.

But now that my friend is aware of my liking for her, every time she is near he glares at me; or for example earlier, making comments about her in front of other friends. It makes things very awkward and certainly uncomfortable to say the least. I am relatively concerned he might say something, I have a feeling that Jenny’s Girlfriend has an inkling about my liking for Jenny; although I am not sure if she is aware of any of the goings-on between us. I really don’t want any thought she may or may not have stimulated by anything my dear ol’ friend might have to say or insinuate.


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