Friday, February 19, 2010

Brüno-hidden meaning?

We have all seen Sacha act out in crazy ways through his old TV show and in the movie Borat. However, the movie Bruno really topped the charts for me. I sat through the entire movie with a shocked look strewn across my face. Yes, his outrageous antics made me laugh and even blush with embarrassment (for him) but this was not the reason I was shocked.

If you notice, between the crazy skits and the seemingly skin-deep satire, there are actually a lot of hidden meanings to the movie. First off, I noticed Sasha acted the way he did in order to get strangers to fess up. Through shear comedy he managed to get a lady; a mother, to admit that she would let her baby be photographed on a crucifix and would even have her child undergo liposuction to lose 10 pounds.

(click play and follow link)

“Congratulations, how do you feel?” I love it.

Sasha also exposed the reality of gay rights and lack-thereof by attempting to turn strait. He does multiple things to do so like joining the military, interviewing an anti gay preacher, having a camping trip with rednecks, and attending a swinger’s party.

(I love how he salute’s him, god that’s funny)

I have to say though the ending of the movie is the best, him and his new boyfriend end up in a cage-match fight in front of hundreds of anti gay rednecks. I won’t spoil that one for you though. Sasha approaches many other things as well such as global warming, world hunger, the war, and really ditzy models.

Just like Weird Al, most people burned him for being different and trying to take on issues with comedy. IE “whatever you like spoof” Where he broaches the economic crisis. Sacha does the same thing by putting himself at risk of degradation and humiliation. Yea sometimes it seems that he goes to far, but isn’t that the way of shock art? It’s sad that people have to go to such great lengths to make a point these days but I have to give kudos for those who do.


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