Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lesbian Social Dynamic

My social circle as a whole is extremely small. If I narrowed that small circle down to only lesbians; my social circle would be a minute semi circle. Outside of my wife, I socialize with 2 other black lesbian women. My wife on the other hand socializes with 0 lesbian women. So most of the time you can catch my wife and I at the bar sipping on cocktails with guess who?…Ourselves.

It hasn’t always been this way…let’s go back about 7 years when I first hit the lesbian scene. I was new to it all and it was like a major adventure for me. I wanted to immerse myself in everything gay i.e. gay clubs, online social networking and social groups; you name it I did it. During that time, I actually met a lot of women and I basically befriended everyone. As I matured in the lesbian social scene, I realized that all of the people that I befriended weren’t my type socially…so I cut out those weeds and proceeded with caution. At this point, my wife and I had acquired a small group of women who we did things with pretty regularly and we always had a wonderful time with these women. Then one day the shit started…So needless to say, my wife and I separated ourselves from these people. We hung on to a few of those who were not involved in the foolishness, but later found out that these people were just as immature as those we had dealt with before. July 2009 marked our official separation from all things socially lesbian.

I live in Houston, TX and the black lesbian social scene is very small…so much so that you will encounter the same people over and over again making it difficult to meet new people regularly. I’m curious to know how the lesbian social dynamic is in other places. Do you have a large social circle? Is drama the norm in lesbian social relationships? Is it best to keep your social circle small? Share your experiences/story.


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