Monday, February 22, 2010

Don't Ask, Don't Tell

I read on the Associated Press this morning that lawmakers are going to meet with officers from each military branch about “whether they think repealing ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ makes sense or would be too disruptive”. I bet you could probably guess that most Republicans and conservative Democrats are against repealing the 17 year old law. Rep. Gene Taylor, conservative Democrat from Mississippi has said, “This is one of the core concepts that has made the U.S. military one of the most effective forces in history.” That statement shows Rep. Taylor’s ignorance on the issue of gay and lesbian rights. The same goes for anyone who is against repealing the outdated law from 1993. 

It’s my belief that “America: Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.” means that all individuals (white, black, gay, straight, man, woman) should be be treated as equals and allowed to protect our country if they wish. If we teach anything to our soldiers, it should be to treat everyone with the same respect and dignity regardles of their nationality, orgin, sex, color, or sexual preference. If we can’t do that, then there is something fundamentally wrong with not just our military but our country as a whole. By not repealing this law immediately, allows for this law to continue to be a distraction for everyone and will remain so until it is repealed.

On the same topic of treating gays and lesbians equal, it’s time for us to allow same sex marriages. The fact that it’s 2010 and we’re still having the same debate on what type of freedoms our citizens should have is sad for this great country. The bottom line is that all citizens, no matter what their race, sex, nationality, origin, sexual preference, or whatever, should have the same freedoms as everyone else. It’s like slapping homesexuals in the face and saying they’re less American than everyone else.

Topic: Repeal “Don’t ask, Don’t tell.”

Vote: Yay

Topic: Same Sex Marriages

Vote: Yay


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