Monday, February 15, 2010

Lesbian and Hetero Imposter Head Games

     I bet few lesbians who came out over ten years ago, would ever believe there are women in our society who behave like a lesbian when they’re not. Well, believe me when I say, they’re out there, or at least the pretenders can fool you into believing they’re straight, when push comes to shove, so they can retreat back to their alter ego as they see fit. It’s a messy business trying to decide who the imposters are, but it is a deception most of us will run into, either directly or indirectly.

     No, I’m not being silly and playing head games with you, but the type of woman I am referring to in this blog will certainly not be as kind. The truth of the matter on many occasions is that she is wrestling with coming out herself, or worse, will sleep with a lesbo victim on occasion to get her fix, then disappear back into straight life, assuming her cowardly status as a so-called heterosexual woman.

     On one such occasion, back in my twenties, when I met a woman like this, she literally attacked me in the ladies room of the midtown restaurant, Vickery’s after a Christmas party. My ex-partner had invited me to her corporate holiday party. About ten of us had headed to Vickery’s after the party, and this fraud of a straight girl was one of them. I caught her staring at me at the table, and kept wiping my mouth thinking I must have something in my teeth or on my chin, that caused her to focus on me so. When she wouldn’t stop staring, I decided to go to the ladies room and check it out once and for all. So sue me already. I can be self-conscious about such things.

     I excused myself from the table and walked to the ladies room to get a good look at myself in a mirror, sure that there was a logical explanation for this unwanted attention. I walked into the bathroom and got in front of the sink, opening amy mouth in a clinical smile to examine my teeth. I saw nothing.

     Then, much to my surprise, the woman who had been staring at me walked into the bathroom. I must admit, had I not thought she was straight, I would have liked her and loved her stares, as she was very attractive in that clean, blond, virginal way that I loved at the time. It took everything I had to not ask her why she had been staring. But then she answered my question for me.

     She came up behind me and kissed me gently on the neck. I swear, I’m not making this up. And no, this type of thing rarely happens to me. Shocked, I jumped, then turned to face her. That’s when she pressed her lips against mine in a liplock that could not be denied, given my intoxicated state and attraction to her.

     I’d like to say that I pushed her aside, as I couldn’t even remember her name, even though she’d been hanging with our group for hours. But the truth is we were both twenty something and obviously feeling frisky, with the right amount of holiday cheer consumed to tip the scales in favor of playing around. It wasn’t the best sex I’ve ever had, but it was close. After an extended makeup session in the bathroom, that was rudely interrupted by a lady who had the nerve to walk in on us kissing at the sink, we ended up in her car, having sex.

     It was exciting and I could not stop thinking about her the entire next day. I asked my ex for her contact info since they worked together. Sadly, I had to ask her name too. My ex laughed at me when I told her what had happened. She said she had wondered what her deal was, but thought she was straight since her boyfriend sometimes dropped in on her at work to take her to lunch. Ummm. All I could figure was maybe they had broken up since he wasn’t with out group partying the night before.

     When I sent her flowers, she never responded with a thank you, we need to talk, or anything. When I told Beth, my ex, about her ignoring me, she sighed, explaining ”I think her boyfriend is still in the picture.” I could not believe my ears. She had chased me down and seduced me, with a boyfriend in her back pocket.

     This type of thing happened to me a few times early on in my lesbian experience. I often wonder if these girls ever came out, or if they were bisexual and simply wanted to play. It wasn’t always a wild sexual bathroom escapade. There were a few crushes and intellectual affairs thrown in for good measure, where we’d kiss and then things would end abruptly, or they’d end in tears or worse, coming out, blaming and thanking me on alternate days.

     My only hope is that now,  with the national social climate changing and Americans becoming increasingly tolerant, that there will be less reason for lesbians to hide. Although, I must admit, sex in a bathroom or car with a stranger is not all bad, minus any expectations for a relationship. You have to quash any romantic notions from your head, should you meet a lesbian imposter who insists on experimenting with you and your heart.  Or to play it safe,  just say NO if you’re like me, and have a hard time separating sex from romance, deluding yourself easily into believing a lesbian imposter is capable of loving you.

     Beware the stares and flirtations of any woman who is uncertain about who she is or what she wants. Anybody who is that mixed up will most assuredly cause you pain. The pain may be mixed with pleasure, but, there will be more pain. And unless you’re into that scene, and I know some of you are, then steer clear of this seductress, as she’ll eat you up and spit you out, leaving you dizzy, depressed, and feeling used.


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