Well, what can I say…except she has done it again. Though she dominated much of the game playing some of women’s greatest tennis. It was certainly not hard to see Saturday night during the Australian Open Women’s Final why Serena is ranked #1 in
the World. Along with #1 Woman Athelete…#1 Women’s Sports highest ever prize winner…#1 in Women’s Tennis Doubles (along with her sister, Venus)…and #1 in the eyes of her older sister…and just as deadly on a good day…Venus Williams.
The love and respect that they share for each other is not hard to recognize. While baby sister sweated it out on the court…older sister, Venus sat prayfully in the stands along with their ever faithful mother, Oracene Price. With ever stroke Venus sat clutching her hands…cupping her chin…watching every ball as she not only sweated it out with yonger sister but you could see that she struggled with her…mentally right up until the very end. And when it was all over little sister pulled herself up from the ground and went over to her mother and the waiting arms and kisses of her mother…and an
ever elated older sister who could not have been prouder as she stretched down gripping her little sister in her arms and buried a kiss upon her while whispering something in her ear. Now, that is love.
So many times sisters and brothers get so caught up rivaling one another…that they have very little appreciation for one another. Sibling rivalry can be one of biggest problems for why most families cannot get along. Clearly we all need to take a page out of Venus and Serena’s play book about family love and admiration, for the skills and gifts that God has so richly invested in all of us.
To be so dominate on the tennis courts…and often coming up against one another… yet the desire to want to win and become #1…earn alcolades…and huge bundles of money coupled by the fame and
prestiege…and yet it seems that the endless challenge that one of will have lose whenever they end up set against one another…has never impacted their love for one another. In fact, it seems to be that thing which drives them closer… with each and ever
tournament…opportunity…contest of skill and power…and desire to win on both of their parts.
Saturday night in the Australian Open final, Serena Williams not only won the Australian Open Women’s Singles for her 5th time…nor did she not only took home yet another trophe…but she pushed up her game earnings into the over $30 million bracket.
With combinations of 12 Aces and sharp precision…speed and force…all of which played major parts in her game. Serena took it in 3 sets winning…6-4, 3-6, 6-2. But I am sure that when Serena hit the courts in the Land Down Under…it was also with a mind that she had something to prove. After being fined and forced to sit out a tournament following her outburst and supposed threat while playing in the US Open this past year. I am sure that when Serena stepped into the tennis arena of the Australian Open she came to prove a few things. With her main point being… that she had the capabilities and powere to put
away anybody who dared to come up against her.
And she did…back to back…and day after day.
What a game…and what a win. You go, Serena…and Venus. And congradulations on also taking the Australian Women’s Doubles again…too.
When I saw this and initially read this story I laughed…sarcasticly of course. As I found the whole thing absolutely ludacris. I am sicken really by it…because to me it seems that these 2 women turned men are trying to make a mockery of God.
This last set of men giving birth to a baby… are 2 women who have turned themselves into supposed men. They look outwardly quite like men… but evidently they
decided to keep some things… and develop some others… but did not rid themselves of everything. And I think that it is sick.
Yes, I feel that this thing is sick.
Why would 2 women want to convert themselves into men…only to end up living their supposed lives as men…living together as gay guys?
It doesn’t make sense. It is sick.
On top of it…taking pills to masculine themselves up…then turn around and become pregnant with all those chemicals in the body of that woman/turned supposed man.
What is this thing about wanting to be a man…then turning around and wanting to do the most womanly thing any woman can possibly do?
And that is give birth to a little baby.
If they want to be men…then be men. But not try to re-write the birth code…or trying to revamp God’s already perfect work…and order. If He wanted men giving birth He is more than capable of performing that little feat for Himself. But since He has yet to do so…then evidently it is not His desire.
Then this last couple to do this thing…well, they look not only sick but freakish too.
How messed up can a little infant be who is being carried in the womb of some woman who has jacked up her system, face and body with a bunch of pills messing with her hormones in order to turn herslf into some kind of make believe man?
And yes…I said ‘make believe.’
In a couple of my prior blogs I wrote about this guy whom I knew… and I guess I still know him…just haven’t seen him in a while…who came to Salsa Soul Sister, a lesbian organization…under the guise of being a woman. At that time once he began dating some women in Salsa…which is or was…as it still exists but under another name…but once he started to date some of those lesbian women the word started circulating. And I did say…that he came in as a woman…a supposed lesbian…seeking a lesbian lover.
Okay, let me break it down for you. He was a guy…who dressed in drag…meaning wore women’s clothes…who came and became a member of a lesbian organization…and while coming into the organization began dating some of the Salsa Soul Sisters.
And in my prior blogs on this guy…who we all thought was a woman…except those who happened to date him…they got to find out first hand that he was not… as he had not had the operation yet…but was working his way to it.
Well, when the word got out…the roof was blown off of Salsa when the real women got word that their ‘lesbians only’ organization had been infantriated by some man pretending to be a woman, and talking about he wanted to be a ‘lesbian.’
Don’t laugh because it is true.
I thought the whole thing was bizarre. It was way too deep for me to even want to comprehend. All I could think was-
“If he wants to be with women then why doesn’t he just stay a man.”
But what he wanted was to be a woman making love with a woman. He wanted to turn himself into a woman in order to be a lesbian. Now, that was bizarre to me…and made absolutely no sense to me. But it did to him. And evidently to a few of my then ’so called’ Salsa Soul Sisters.
But for some of my Salsa Sisters this act on his part to join Salsa and become a member of Salsa’s Board was an out and out act of war…and boy did they come out battling. Sisters poured into Salsa one night…coming from all ends. Sisters who had left the organization…and those who had gotten too busy and had simply stopped coming…and then there were some of the founding mothers (those who were still alive)…they came storming into Salsa and demanded a vote. And when it had all been said and done by the end of the night they added a note to their charter…and it went like this-
“No woman born biologically a man could ever become part of Salsa’s Board or membership.”
So, needless to say we never saw the guy again in any of our meetings…but some of us had befriended him and would occasionally run across him. He seemed to have no problem in finding supposed lesbians who were willing to indulge him sexually. One such woman he moved in with…and they lived as lesbians. But he disclosed to me that she wanted him to give her a baby…and he was feeling pressured…as it was something that he didn’t want to do. After all, he wanted to be a lesbian…not a mother.
But I knew that this guy took a lot of various pills because he was in the transitional stage of having his operation. Knowing this…I just could not wonder how a fetus in the womb of his lover… fathered by him could possibly be healthy…as this guy’s system had to be all messed up with all the sex changing medication, as he really was working towards having his operation to remove his male sex organ. He lived his life as woman…and that is how he acted…which is why none of us knew he was man until some of our other sisters (Salsa Soul Sisters) started climbing into bed with him…or her as he called himself …and he had given himself a female name too which is what we knew him by.
So, when I happened to go up over the internet a few days ago and come across this news of another man about to give birth to a baby. As much as I really didn’t to read that story…I read it. And upon seeing their pictures and reading about them I laughed…it was all sarcastic, of course. Because I really don’t think that it funny.
These 2 woman could not look more manly. Which is something not uncommon in ‘gay life’…but certainly not the norm. Mostly the fems want men…or the more dominate type want someone softer and not as hardcore like themselves. This is of course if they are into role playing…those who play like they are male and their partner being female. Or then there are those who perfer not to play roles at all…but just be themselves…which is what many do…they don’t look either or…they are happy with being who they are and desire is simply to be intimate only with ‘like sex’ partners.
So, looking at the pictures of those 2…what looked like very much men…with one of them exposing her swollen belly in every shot…just struck me as being humorous at first because of the contradiction. Though inwardly I really felt they were trying to make a mockery of God…and still do. Because why would you butch yourself up…beards, hair cuts, clothes, probably voices etc…to then want to turn around and do such a womanly act as become a mother when everything about you appears to speak to the fact that you clearly want to be a man?
Is that not a contradiction?
So, I have come to this conclusing…this can only be for profit…15 minutes of fame…lights-camera-action…a movie…a reality show….something…but not because he really want to be a mother…or even a woman in kind of way.
How many more women turned men…are we going to see pop up and do this?
I can’t imagine children growing up under 2 highly confused women as these 2 women. I really can’t. I wonder how they explain what they are…or who they are to their children?
And truthfully speaking, his belly does not look healthy. You can’t take all that medication and not know that that it might affect the fetus in some kind of way. It must…and I don’t care how slight or mildly it may do so…but there has some type of affect or side affect to any child born to someone who does such.
I hope this is not the beginning of a preverted and highly sick trend. This is not to say that I think gay guys can’t make great fathers. I would never be that small minded. But I think that a bunch of people who mess with their gender…and who suffer from gender issues…yes, I feel that maybe they might not be the best canidates to parent anyone…or to raise anyone. Because clearly such people who have done to themselves as these 2 women have… well, they could possibly love themselves.
They are out of step with the world…and clearly trying to re-define gender and parenting…and have a strong desire to create their own reality. It is make believe…and springs out of a crazy notion that they can somehow restructure the concerpt of what is family…father…and mother.
Saw a few flurries this morning…but the sun is out. The weather is cold though and been so I guess all weekend long.
We were out of town over the weekend…and when I got in this morning I found the kitchen faucet frozen solid. And the house, of course, freezing cold. I felt sorry for the cat…though had tried to warm up the house as much as I could. But I guess my efforts were just not enough.
Now, I have got to get a plumber to the house. Can’t imagine what this is goind cost…but I think it is going to costly.
But on the other hand it might just be a good time to have put in that new sink and faucet that I have been thinking about. And why not start tackling some of the other problems I have with the house…such as getting those raccoons out of the attic. There has be a way of chasing them out. I thinking loud music…if they can’t sleep because of the noise…just maybe they might pack and leave.
The other night I hear 2 of them fighting. And it sounded vicious…and they are not small like those in this picture.
I can’t imagine the damage nor the smell in the attic since they moved in maybe about 2 years now.
I got to get them out. Besides I am thinking about transforming upstairs into a production studio and editing suite for some future plans that I have for this year. And really don’t want to have those raccoons roaming around just above my head.
Oh, well…there is always something. I’ll get over it.
Well, I hope you had a great weekend. I did. I enjoyed it so much that coming back and finding the kitchen sink frozen really doesn’t bother me. It was worth it…for the weekend I spent some of young nieces who had never spoke to so much…until this weekend. And I loved every minute of it.
Well, Go
d bless…
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