Friday, December 18, 2009

The Female Myth: A Rant By Val

I just need to let off a little.  As I click around and read information, I am astounded by the amount of people, academics included, that seem to claim that almost every female bodily function during sex is a “myth.”  Female ejaculation is a possible “myth.”  The G Spot and the infamous G Spot orgasm? “myth.”  Whether or not women actually like sex? “myth.”

This pisses me off.  Why does nearly EVERYTHING involving women and sex a myth?!  I don’t want to hear bullshit answers like “research needs to be done,” “or we just aren’t advanced enough yet in technology,” “Or there’s no hard scientific evidence.”  I say that is a crock of shit.  If there is ANYTHING that should be the most researched and understood topic, it should be sex.  For fucking crying out loud, we have been having sex since the beginning of human history–it’s how we fucking reproduce!  It’s how we are still here!  How in the world after all of this time, can we not understand the female sexual body functions?!

And what more evidence do you need than a woman screaming at the top of lungs as she rides her guy like he’s an apeshit wildebeast to know that he’s hit her G spot?  Or what about when she comes so much that it’s dripping off of your chin and is literally soaking through the bedsheets to know that she is ejaculating?  And why is it still so uncommon, or mythological, for women to actually enjoy sex?!

Perhaps these so-called myths still exist because too many women are still being silent about sex, with their friends, their partners, and even with themselves.  Maybe some women shouldn’t even be having sex with men, but rather women, but are too afraid to go there.  Same goes with anal sex, porn, masturbation, and just overall sexual exploration and enjoyment.  Maybe the majority of women aren’t ejaculating because they aren’t telling their partners what they like and are just being complicit to their partner’s needs.  And maybe their lazy-ass patriarchal caveman boyfriends are too stupid and selfish to ask.  Maybe women aren’t having the best orgasms, or even an orgasm at all in some cases, because they are too hesitant to demand better sex lives for themselves.

Well ladies, I say its time to put this myth to rest.

I squirt when I come.

I have had a G spot orgasm.

And by God, I like sex.

And you should too.


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