Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Introducing the Psycho Lesbian From Hell!

The psycho lesbian from hell entered my life in September of 2006.  She was “dating” my daughter.  Little did I know that she was a complete wack job!

Her nickname amongst her peers, if you can call them that, is DRAGON LADY!  She has multiple piercings (13)  and tattoos (26).  All of which she is proud of, even though if a large magnet were turned on in Michigan, she would be stuck forever!

She was born, on October 9, in the late eighties.  She weighs close to 300 lbs, and is downright horrifying to look at.   She was supposedly abused by her mother, who should have never been in the gene pool to begin with, and her father moved her away.  BTW, her mother has the mouth of a gutter snipe!  I guess like mother like daughter.  These two both add to the understanding of why some species eat their young.  Too bad they weren’t!  None of this is an excuse for her behavior, she has honed that all by herself.

If you are considering hiring her for a job, or god forbid, you already have, there are a few things you should know.

She is:  a liar, a thief, a cutter (She loves the knife, but more on that later), a stalker with a learning deficiency, spiteful, psychotic, manic-depressive, hateful, malicious, vindictive, hateful, manipulative, and a complete and total BITCH!

She lures unsuspecting lesbians into relationships through deception.  Sickening sweet until things don’t go her way and then she gets the knife.  She has cut herself many, many, many times to get attention and her way.  The sick thing is she LIKES it!

 After abusing and humiliating her chosen victims, they decide to leave and then the real psycho comes out.

There is more to come so stay tuned!  If you know someone like this I would love to know how you dealt with them.


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