Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Lesbian Space

When we lived in Calgary Deb and I often went to lesbian events, venues and parties. We had to do this in Calgary because most women remained in the closet particularly in the late 1980s and 90s. I always enjoyed these events because there is something magical that happens when strong women who love women share the same space.

When we moved to Vancouver we stopped needing to seek community because it was everywhere here. I worked with a significant number of lesbians and a few gay men and Deb the same. We never really did become involved in the lesbian community in Vancouver. Besides I was out of the closet and finding queer space became less important. I then got a job at the local LGTB Community Centre and suddenly I was immersed in our community. I really enjoyed meeting other lesbians and getting to know the community.

Saturday night, when we were at the Rhizome café I was reminded how much I like being in the company of lesbian women. While the crowd was not entirely lesbian, there were a few including us. Even though it was not a strictly lesbian space, the other people there were completely open and welcoming. Being able to be open with my partner, holding hands, dancing together or just have our arms around each other in a public place, is a pleasure we are unable to enjoy in most places. When those times come, I treasure them and enjoy them thoroughly.


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