Wednesday, January 27, 2010


So, I’ve come to “notice” someone. It’s horrible. I am not a “noticing” people period in my life. She’s cute and well, she makes me laugh. I need all the laughter I can get right now. She’s driven and has goals I admire (nothing better than a driven, goal-oriented, ATTRACTIVE, professional woman. There’s nothing like it.

I am in the WAY beginning phase of a ….. crush. We’ve been corresponding back and forth through a pretty random CRAIGSLIST post. Imagine that. CraigsList being a LEGITIMATE posting site. I have NEVER read the personals to CraigsList, or any other site for that matter, but boredom brings about random behavior. So, there I was, poking through the personals for good laughs and I came across a LEGITIMATE posting. I read it, laughed and then becamse super curious. “Who wrote this?”

So, what did I do? I replied. I had my doubts that any truly educated person was sitting on the opposite side of that post. I also thought “no way will this person respond back.” Within 30 minutes I replied and sent, dismissing it from my thoughts.

The next morning I check my emails. Reply from… yes, HER. I read through and the intellegence put forth in the post was there on my email. SURPRISE & JACKPOT. So, long story short we’ve been corressponding via email, text and phone. We both made it clear that friends are always welcomed (no real display of intent there on either side).

Educated, indeed.

Humor, hilarious.

Pictures, adorable.

Intellegence, YES.

Voice, adorable.

Now, here’s the issue (don’t act like you didn’t know it was coming)…….

She’s busy. Super busy. Beyond unavailable type busy. Conversation currently MINIMAL. Now, I am a busy ass person, but HELLO, when I “notice” you, I make time to give my attention (even if it is via text).

But, I’m not one to get my hopes to high. HOWEVER, so far so good. I don’t know if I am really taking “notice” of this woman, or I am just curious as hell to get to know her better…..

……..but I just want to put out notice, that I’ve noticed you, and I’m wondering if I noticed, you noticing me too.


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